
Introduction to Real Estate Investing Secrets

Real Estate Investing Secrets Course Introduction

In this introduction to the 46-module, 53-hour Real Estate Investing Secrets course you will learn:

  • There are no real secrets in life

  • The 46 modules (53 hours) of content included in the course

  • Nothing is difficult or hard… the only actual skill you’ll need for the real estate investing business

  • The most common fears of real estate investors—and how to overcome them

  • A brief background on James Orr, your instructor

  • The Dunning-Kruger Effect as it applies to real estate investing

  • The aggregation of marginal gains and why making just a 1% improvement daily will have an incredible impact on your real estate investing business

  • Commencement

  • Plus, much, much more…

Introduction to Real Estate Investing Secrets

Here are the slides from the presentation for your convenience…


  • Let me save you tens of thousands of dollars and lots of disappointment: there are no secrets in life.

  • But, there are things that you don’t know yet. Or, things you know, but may have forgotten.

  • Confucius said, "To know and not to act is not to know.“

    • True knowledge is reflected in our actions: applying what we learn.

46 Modules

The Actual Skill

  • As we go through the next 46 modules together, I want you to ask yourself: is there anything in here that is difficult to do (like running a 4-minute mile or passing the bar exam level of difficult)?

  • I think you’ll find—and let me know if you don’t—that there is nothing here that is difficult… looking at houses, analyzing deals, writing offers, closing on properties, screening tenants, etc… you can do these things.

  • Really, what you’ll discover is the “actual skill” is overcoming your fear (whether that shows up as overwhelm, insecurities, or hundreds of variations)

Some Manifestations of Fear

Overcoming Fear

  • Embrace a Growth Mindset

    • Understand that mistakes are learning opportunities

    • Focus on continuous improvement

  • Prepare Thoroughly

    • Do your homework: review, learn, grow and act

    • Develop a solid investment plan

  • Start Small

    • Begin with smaller, less risky investments… make reasonable sized “investments” with positive Expected Value

    • Gain experience and confidence over time

My Background

  • My wife and I retired July 1, 2021. I was 46 at the time.

  • We’ve been living off investments: primarily rental properties, stocks, bonds and savings.

  • Since I retired I’ve been simplifying my life—exited 3 real estate partnerships—100 units, 3 units and 1 unit.

  • Now, I’ve been focused on helping real estate investors with these classes, podcast, the Real Estate Financial Planner™ software, spreadsheets and tools.

  • Plus, helping real estate agents, lenders and other professionals who want to work with real estate investors as clients on ServingRealEstateInvestors.com

  • I’ve been reinvesting 100% of what we’re making from this new business into helping more people, improving the content, tools and classes and spending money to help more people.

Dunning-Kruger Effect

“If you haven’t already noticed, incompetent people are typically oblivious to their incompetence. They literally walk around with their head in the clouds believing they are the cleverest people in the world. On the other hand, those with a high skill set are usually very modest about their capabilities.” – The Power of Discipline by Daniel Walter

Aggregation of Marginal Gains

  • Real estate investors might be tempted to ignore making small, incremental, compounding improvements to their real estate investing businesses.

  • That would be a mistake.

  • But, I’d like to show you why focusing on just getting 1% better each day can have a massive positive impact on your real estate investing business.

  • Great video by James Clear (Atomic Habits) about this: https://refp.info/1percent

Check out the link above for the 1% improvement charts in the video.

Can You Get 1% Better?

  • 1% better with your real estate investing business over time… implement ideas you learn with each module, each email, each podcast episode

  • Document your procedures—and use the documented versions

    • Improve with each thing you learn, earn mistake you make, earn distinction you pick up, each book/course/podcast you consume

    • What could I do better?

    • How can I prevent that from happening again?

    • How can I do more of that?

    • Make it more profitable?

    • Make it easier?

    • Make it faster?


  • "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together“ – African proverb

  • You’ll have many mentors—including your local dream team members—and I am truly honored to be able to help in my small way

  • I am excited and grateful to be here to assist you on this journey to learn about investing in real estate as I continue to get 1% better myself both in my own real estate investing business and in helping others learn about real estate investing

  • And, I hope in the future that I’ll have an opportunity to learn from you and your experiences

  • So, let’s do this together…

Check out the entire 46-module, 53-hour course: